The Digit
Commercial | New Delhi
The front of the site confronts a noisy road as well as huge solar heat gain. We chose to create a glimmering and visually exciting layered faced to mitigate both. The glazing on this facade is protected by a red aluminium perforated screen. The pattern of the logo is articulated by reattaching the stamped-out discs through a pivot detail. The resultant facade shimmers in the breeze projecting the organisation’s corporate identity and domain, all the while standing out from amongst its neighbours through its form. The language of the perforated screen is carried through in the partitions between the main circulation spine and the workstations in the office.
The approach of our design was to investigate the notion of identity (corporate, organisational and individual) and its urban projection.To this end, we explored, semiotically, the most common idiom of identity, the thumbprint. The shimmering, fluttering, red screen perforated with the company’s logo is an idiom for its “digital identity”.
The form of the building was informed equally by the hierarchy of the organisation as well as the need the manage daylight and heat gain within the offices. The company’s corporate structure is implied in the volume with the hierarchical levels of the work force and management segregated into various floors of ascending seniority and reducing occupancy.
The form of the building was informed equally by the hierarchy of the organisation as well as the need the manage daylight and heat gain within the offices.